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Lozenguez Adouane Beynier Martinet Mouaddib Map Partitioning to Approximate an Exploration Strategy in Mobile Robotics PAAMS 2011, 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Published after in Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 88, 2011, pp 63- 2011 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Bonton Adouane Le bricolage en projet, vers des salles de creativite scientifique, Exemple d'un projet qui dure ! CETSIS'11, 9e Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systemes 2011 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Mouad Adouane Schmitt Khadraoui Martinet Control Architecture for Cooperative Mobile Robots using Multi-Agent based Coordination Approach CAR'11, 6th National Conference on ``Control Architectures of Robots'' 2011 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Lozenguez Adouane Beynier Martinet Mouaddib Calcul distribue de politiques d'exploration pour une flotte de robots mobiles JFSMA'11, 19eme Journees Francophones sur les Systemes Multi-Agents 2011 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Benzerrouk Martinet Mobile Robot Navigation in Cluttered Environment using Reactive Elliptic Trajectories 18th IFAC World Congress 2011 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Martinet Thuilot Adouane Mezouar Towards an Urban Cooperative and Autonomous Navigation System IARP workshop on Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance-Maintenance 2010 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Benzerrouk Adouane Al-Barakeh Martinet Stabilite globale pour la navigation reactive d'un robot mobile en presence d'obstacles CIFA 2010, Sixieme Conference Internationale Francophone d'Automatique 2010 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Cooperation bio-inspiree de systemes multi-robots autonomes Editions universitaires europeennes, ISBN: 978-613-1-50562-1 2010 book Webpage Link
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet Lyapunov Global Stability for a Reactive Mobile Robot Navigation in Presence of Obstacles ICRA'10 International Workshop on Robotics and Intelligent Transportation System, RITS10 2010 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Benzerrouk Adouane Lequievre Martinet Navigation of Multi-Robot Formation in Unstructured Environment Using Dynamical Virtual Structures IROS'10, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2010 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Mouad Adouane Schmitt Khadraoui Gateau Martinet Multi-agents based system to coordinate mobile teamworking robots 4th Companion Robotics Workshop 2010 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet Stabilite asymptotique pour la navigation reactive d'un systeme multi-robots en presence d'obstacles Journee des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique (JJCR 09) 2009 inproceedings
Adouane Orbital Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Reliable and On-Line Mobile Robot Navigation 9th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Selected for publication in Portuguese Journal Robotica N79, automacao, controlo and instrumentacao 2009 inproceedings Webpage Link Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Hybrid and Safe Control Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation 9th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions 2009 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Orbital Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Reliable and On-Line Mobile Robot Navigation Portuguese Journal Robotica N79, automacao, Selected from International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions 2009 article Webpage Link
Mouad Adouane Khadraoui Martinet Architecture de Controle Hybride (cognitive/reactive) pour un Systeme Multi-Robots basee sur un Modele Organisationnel Multi-Agents 7eme Journees Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique (JNRR'09) 2009 inproceedings
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet Andreff Multi Lyapunov Function Theorem Applied to a Mobile Robot Tracking a Trajectory in Presence of Obstacles European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2009) 2009 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet Andreff Toward an hybrid control architecture for a mobile multi-robot systems 3rd National Conference on Control Architectures of Robots (CAR08) 2008 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane An Adaptive Multi-Controller Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation 10th IAS, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2008 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane MiRoCo un simulateur pour systemes multi-robots a forte dynamique d'interaction LAB CNRS 6596 2007 techreport Electronic Paper Link
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