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Azzabi Regaieg Adouane Nasri |
Hybrid and Multi-controller Architecture for Autonomous System: Application to the navigation of a mobile robot
11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO'14) |
2014 |
inproceedings |
Hichri Fauroux Adouane Doroftei Mezouar |
Lifting Mechanism for Payload Transport by Collaborative Mobile Robots
New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science |
2014 |
article |
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet |
Obstacle Avoidance Controller Generating Attainable Set-points for the Navigation of Multi-Robot System
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) |
2013 |
inproceedings |
Vilca Adouane Mezouar |
Reactive navigation of mobile robot using elliptic trajectories andeffective on-line obstacle detection
In Gyroscopy and Navigation Journal, Ed. Springer, Russia ISSN 2075 1087 |
2013 |
article |
Lozenguez Beynier Adouane Mouaddib Martinet |
Simultaneous Auctions for "Rendez-Vous" Coordination Phases in Multi-Robot Multi-Task Mission
IAT13, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology |
2013 |
inproceedings |
Vilca Adouane Mezouar Lebraly |
An Overall Control Strategy Based on Target Reaching for the Navigation of a Urban Electric Vehicle
IEEE/RSJ, IROS'13, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems |
2013 |
inproceedings |
Lozenguez Adouane Beynier Martinet Mouaddib |
Resolution approchee par decomposition de processus decisionnels de Markov appliquee a l'exploration en robotique mobile
JFPDA, 8emes Journees Francophones sur la Planification, la Decision et l'Apprentissage pour la conduite de systemes |
2013 |
inproceedings |
Safeplatoon: surete de convois de vehicules autonomes
In Proc. of Journees Nationales des Communications dans les Transport - JNCT |
2013 |
inproceedings |
Adouane |
Toward Smooth and Stable Reactive Mobile Robot Navigation using On-line Control Set-points
IEEE/RSJ, IROS'13, 5th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles |
2013 |
inproceedings |
Adouane Martinet |
Les systemes hybrides pour garantir la stabilite des architectures multi-controleurs dediees a la navigation des robots mobiles
Journees Robotique et Automatique, JRA12 |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Lozenguez Adouane Beynier Mouaddib Martinet |
Map Partitioning to Approximate an Exploration Strategy in Mobile Robotics
Multiagent and Grid Systems (MAGS) |
2012 |
article |
Mouad Adouane Khadraoui Martinet |
Mobile Robot Navigation and Obstacles Avoidance based on Planning and Re-Planning Algorithm
10th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'12) |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Vilca Adouane Mezouar |
Robust On-line Obstacle Detection using Data Range for Reactive Navigation
10th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'12) |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Lozenguez Adouane Beynier Mouaddib Martinet |
Interleaving Planning and Control of Mobiles Robots in Urban Environments Using Road-Map
12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System (IAS-12), Published after in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 193, 2013, pp 683-691 |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Vilca Adouane Benzerrouk Mezouar |
Cooperative On-line Object Detection using Multi-Robot Formation
7th National Conference on Control Architectures of Robots (CAR'12) |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet |
Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Strategies using Limit Cycle for the Navigation of Multi-Robot System
2012 IEEE/RSJ IROS'12, 4th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Vilca Adouane Mezouar |
On-line Obstacle Detection using Data Range for Reactive Obstacle Avoidance
12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System (IAS-12), Published after in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 193, 2013, pp 3-13 |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Adouane |
Distributed and Reactive Multi-robot Navigation in Cluttered Environment
IAS'12 Workshop, Personal Transport Service Robots |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Benzerrouk Adouane Martinet |
Altruistic distributed Target Allocation for Stable Navigation in Formation of Multi-robot System
10th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'12) |
2012 |
inproceedings |
Mouad Adouane Schmitt Khadraoui Martinet |
MAS2CAR ARCHITECTURE: Multi-Agent System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots
ICINCO'11, 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics |
2011 |
inproceedings |
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