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Authors Title Journal Year Type Links
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Behavioral and Distributed Control Architecture of Control for Minimalist Mobile Robots Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises 2006 article
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Methodology of Parameters Optimization for an Hybrid Architecture of Control Poster for the 16th IFAC World Congress 2005 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Architectures de controle comportementales et reactives pour la cooperation d'un groupe de robots mobiles LAB CNRS 6596 - UFC 2005 phdthesis Webpage Link Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Methodology of Parameters Optimization for an Hybrid Architecture of Control 16th IFAC World Congress 2005 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Evolutionary Parameters Optimization for an Hybrid Control Architecture of Multicriteria Tasks International Conference On Robotics And Biomimetics ROBIO 2004 inproceedings
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Hybrid Behavioral Control Architecture for the Cooperation of Minimalist Mobile Robots ICRA'04, International Conference On Robotics And Automation 2004 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Emergence of Group Intelligence from Minimalist Control of Mobile Mini-Robots 35th International Symposium On Robotics ISR 2004 inproceedings
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Emergence d'une Intelligence de Groupe a partir d'Entites Microrobotiques Frustres 6 emes Journees du Pole Microrobotique, 2 emes Journees du RTP Microrobotique 2003 inproceedings
Adouane Le-Fort-Piat Bio-inspired Behaviours of a group of Microrobots for Cooperative Box-pushing Task 6th Japan-France Congress on Mechatronics and 4th Asia-Europe Congress on MECATRONICS 2003 inproceedings
Chevallereau Adouane On line reference trajectory adaptation for the control of a planar biped 5th International Conference on CLimbing And WAlking Robots (CLAWAR) 2002 inproceedings Electronic Paper Link
Adouane Modification de trajectoire de reference pour un robot marcheur IRCCyN - ECN 2001 masterthesis
Adouane Commande Intelligente par ANFIS (Adaptive Network based Fuzzy Inference System) LAS - UFAS 2000 masterthesis
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